A Public Hearing on the Water System SRF Loan | City of Bondurant
A Public Hearing on the Water System SRF Loan | City of Bondurant
The City of Bondurant will hold a Public Hearing to review an application for a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan and to make the contents of an environmental information document and the City’s project plan available to the public. These documents include design and environmental information related to the proposed improvements to the City’s water supply system.
The proposed project includes the construction of a 1,000,000-gallon elevated storage tank. The foundation of the storage tank will be approximately 50 ft in diameter. The site will require minor grading and the construction of an access road. The project will also include the construction of approximately 26,500 LF of water main to connect to the City’s existing water infrastructure at two points. The water main construction will require a trench approximately 5ft wide by 6 ft deep between the existing roadways and the edge of the right-of-way.
The purpose of this Public Hearing is to inform area residents of the community of Bondurant of this proposed action, discuss the actual cost and user fees associated with this project, and address citizens’ concerns, if any, with the plan.
The Public Hearing location and time are as follows:
February 6, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Bondurant City Center/City Hall200 Second Street NEBondurant, IA 50035
Additionally, participants may join virtually at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81045455842?pwd=SnhxbEpwbFBCK3Jndmd0UjlZNGlrZz09.
All interested persons are encouraged to attend this hearing. Written comments on this proposal may also be submitted before the hearing.
Questions regarding this hearing or the availability of documentation may be directed to the City Clerk’s Office at 515-967-2418. If you need
Original source can be found here.